Sunday, June 21, 2009

Divining Earth Spirit

Australian author Alanna Moore’s revised and updated edition of Divining Earth Spirit is crammed full of interesting chapters on Geomancy (earth energies) and environmental awareness. It is the most comprehensive reference book of its kind. The author has been involved in dowsing for more than twenty years, and she is an acknowledged expert in this specialised field of research.

The book begins with earth studies from eastern and western cultural views: Feng Shui, stone circles, labyrinths, and scientific studies on crop circles are all explained from the Geomancer’s perspective.

Following this are chapters on Australian geomancy, and not surprisingly, the earth centred spirituality of the indigenous inhabitants is a major focal point of this section. The Dreaming stories of the Flinders Ranges are discussed, and the Hindmarsh Island bridge controversy gets a mention. Also included is a chapter on the earth energies in Yankalilla, SA. It turns out that the Anglican church in that town (yes, the one with the salt damp that looks like some well known religious figures) was built over a desecrated aboriginal sacred site!

Geopathic stress is the main concern of another section. This is about underground streams and their effect on health and mental alertness. The paragraphs on the dowsing of ‘black spots’ on roads was particularly interesting, with dowsers installing neutralisation devices in problem areas and finding that accident rates were cut ‘from 32 over two years, to just one accident in one year.’

Other chapters in this book help you to discover the Devic dimensions (nature spirits). There’s a great chapter on the Green Man, a symbol that is featured on many medieval churches, representing our connection with nature. The Greek god Pan also has a chapter devoted to him, and Alanna spends some time describing dowsing for Pan in various locations all over the world, and she relates the ‘electrifying experience’ of meeting him during meditations.

Many famous geomancers were interviewed for Divining Earth Spirit, and they told of their specific fields of interest and gave interesting case histories. They explained their methods of interaction with the environment, ranging from sites at Glastonbury Tor to Alice Springs.

My only gripe about the book is the amount of space given to the ‘visions’ received by various clairvoyants in and around sacred sites. Most are unsubstantiated by experiences from anybody else. Does anybody really want to know about the lady who camped in a stone circle and saw a ten foot high elf called Asulan, who promised to help her look for her lost dog? I certainly don’t!

With a healthy respect for pagan traditions, and an awareness of deity and sacred space, Alanna Moore’s Divining Earth Spirit is an insight to a different method of reverence and appreciation for the Earth Mother. Alanna says that the reason she wrote this book is to ‘take you on a journey through doors of perception which are both ancient and new to many. I want you to hear the voices of many in relation to Earth energy awareness and healing. And I’d like you to consider that we all have the potential to be able to divine Earth spirit, and that it is high time that its significance be acknowledged and nurtured.’ Her book fulfils all of this and more!

This is a valuable reference book for anyone with an interest in sacred sites and the world’s subtle energy fields. And it has opened my eyes to the variety of earth energies that one can explore through geomancy – thank you Alanna!

Author: Alanna Moore
Published by: Python Press
RRP: $38
Available from: Geomantica, PO Box 929, Castlemaine, Victoria, 3450

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